I nuovi progetti della Fondazione Amici del Pronto Soccorso

Tutte le novità dell’associazione nata per supportare al meglio il Pronto Soccorso

Un servizio prezioso e di fondamentale importanza per tutta la collettività. Il Pronto Soccorso interviene nella prevenzione, nella diagnosi e nella gestione degli aspetti acuti ed urgenti oltre che in tutte quelle situazioni di fragilità che riguardano un’ampia fascia di popolazione.

La Onlus Amici del Pronto Soccorso, che da Associazione si è recentemente trasformata in Fondazione, nasce per supportare l’assistenza sanitaria, sociale e socio-sanitaria, nell’ambito della medicina d’urgenza attraverso progetti finalizzati a migliorare la qualità del servizio del Pronto Soccorso di Careggi e anche degli altri ospedali della Toscana.

Dal 1° febbraio 2023 il nuovo Presidente è Elisabetta Bardelli, con al fianco, nel ruolo di vicepresidente, Claudia Bardelli. I componenti del nuovo Consiglio di Amministrazione sono: Angela Carpio, Francesco Patanè, Guido Ciompi, Matteo Guidi, Matteo Parigi Bini e Giuseppe Cristiani.


Le due sorelle, durante la pandemia da Covid-19, avevano attivato la raccolta fondi Amici di Firenze – Adesso tocca a noi! sulla piattaforma GoFundMe coinvolgendo tanti amici, imprenditori, personaggi dello spettacolo e dello sport oltre ad altre Associazioni e Fondazioni: insieme sono riusciti a raccogliere 393.450,00 € da destinare alla Fondazione con l’obiettivo di sostenere il Pronto Soccorso e i suoi medici ed infermieri nella battaglia che stavano affrontando. I fondi della raccolta sono stati utilizzati per acquistare ecografi per la diagnosi, emogasanalizzatori, respiratori e altri strumenti utili per mantenere in vita i casi più gravi e aumentare le probabilità di guarigione.

Elisabetta Bardelli, da sempre attiva in azioni di filantropia in ambito sociale, e già Ambassador della Fondazione benefica Andrea Bocelli Foundation, Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’ORT-Orchestra Regionale della Toscana e General Manager dell’Antico Setificio Fiorentino, afferma: “Ogni giorno i medici lavorano per noi ed hanno in mano la nostra salute, mettendo tanto amore e passione in quello che fanno: io e la mia squadra intendiamo fare altrettanto per loro con azioni concrete e tangibili al fine di fornire la migliore cura e assistenza a chi ha bisogno e si trova in condizioni di difficoltà”.

Il team della Fondazione rinnova la propria immagine con un nuovo logo: dalla croce, simbolo del Pronto Soccorso, emerge un cuore, teso a simboleggiare sia la passione che medici e infermieri mettono nel proprio lavoro sia il sentimento che anima la Fondazione, l’amore verso il prossimo; all’interno del cuore 2 mani, di cui la più grande rappresenta l’aiuto che la Fondazione Amici del Pronto Soccorso porge a chi ha bisogno.

La Fondazione crede molto nell’importanza dell’utilizzo di strumenti sofisticati, precisi e di ottima qualità, che garantiscano assoluta tempestività per questo, uno dei suoi primi obiettivi sarà l’acquisto di macchinari sanitari ad alta tecnologia da destinare ai Pronto Soccorso della Toscana per il cui raggiungimento la Fondazione ha già al suo fianco un partner d’eccezione, Palazzo Tornabuoni. Uno dei pochissimi Club di residenza urbana in Europa e il primo al mondo a occupare un sito di tale importanza storica e artistica, e per volontà del suo Presidente, Gabrielle Taylor, e di tutti i soci, ha generosamente offerto il suo supporto per organizzare a giugno 2023 un evento di raccolta fondi: un primo significativo passo verso il raggiungimento della somma necessaria all’acquisto di due ecografi, modello GE logicS8 con tre sonde.

Un ulteriore obiettivo su cui la Fondazione Amici del Pronto Soccorso lavorerà è il supporto e sostegno agli anziani, fascia sociale tra le più fragili, sole e bisognose di cure e attenzioni: molte future iniziative della Fondazione saranno rivolte proprio agli anziani, al fine di garantire loro assistenza sanitaria e umana.

Amici del Pronto Soccorso
ph. 380 4625792

Helping Florence’s emergency rooms

The Amici del Pronto Soccorso charity provides help to emergency rooms in Florence and Tuscany.

BY Editorial Staff

Wed 05 Apr 2023 5:08 PM

The Emergency Room (Pronto Soccorso in Italian) is an invaluable medical service, saving lives and treating illnesses, often in high-pressure circumstances for the doctors and nurses involved. Florence-based non-profit organization Amici del Pronto Soccorso, which was recently turned into a foundation, was established in 2014 to provide medical and social help to emergency rooms at Careggi University Hospital and other hospitals in Tuscany.

The foundation is helmed by sisters Elisabetta Bardelli, as president, and Claudia Bardelli, as vice president, who launched the Amici di Firenze – Now it’s our turn crowdfunding campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic, raising nearly 400,000 euro, which helped emergency rooms at the height of the crisis. Following suggestions made by Professor Stefano Grifoni, head of the emergency medicine and admissions department of the Careggi Hospital and technical director of Amici del Pronto Soccorso, the funds were used to purchase ultrasound scanners for diagnosis, blood gas analyzers and respirators.

“Today we must not forget the heroism of our doctors and nurses during the pandemic,” comments Elisabetta Bardelli, a longstanding philanthropist who is also an ambassador of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation. “We must not lose the gratitude we showed towards them then. They look after our health every day, putting love and passion into what they do. My team and I intend to do the same for them with tangible actions in order to provide the best care and assistance to those who need it and who are in a difficult situation.”

The mission of the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation is flanked by private residence club Palazzo Tornabuoni, which has generously offered to organize a fundraising event in June 2023. This is an important step towards reaching the amount needed to purchase two specific ultrasound scanners, which will enable a range of health issues to be detected in a timely and non-invasive manner, speeding up the diagnosis.

Board members of the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation during the press conference held at Palazzo Tornabuoni on April 5



Scientific research and training for healthcare professionals is another priority for the foundation. The Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation has recently financed a master’s degree course at La Sapienza University in Rome, which concentrates on critical patient management during traumatic and catastrophic events, for students who lack the economic means to continue their studies. Providing care for the elderly is another major focus for the foundation, in addition to raising awareness of road safety in schools to lower the pressure on emergency rooms.

Angela Carpio, Francesco Patanè, Guido Ciompi, Matteo Guidi, Matteo Parigi Bini and Giuseppe Cristiani form the new board of directors of the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation.


Amici del pronto soccorso La onlus diventa fondazione Bardelli nuova presidente

7 apr 2023

E’diventata Fondazione la onlus Amici del Pronto soccorso, nata per supportare l’assistenza sanitaria, sociale e socio-sanitaria nella medicina d’urgenza. C’è anche un nuovo cda e un nuovo presidente: Elisabetta Bardelli (nella foto con il direttore del pronto soccorso di Careggi, Stefano Grifoni). Nel ruolo di vice, la sorella Claudia. Nel rinnovato cda Matteo Parigi Bini, Matteo Guidi, Angela Carpio, Francesco Patanè, Guido Ciompi e Giuseppe Cristiani. A giugno via a una nuova raccolta fondi col supporto di Palazzo Tornabuoni per l’acquisto di due ecografi di ultima generazione.

Gli Amici del Pronto Soccorso si presentano a Palazzo Tornabuoni

Published: Updated: 16 Aprile 2023_12:05

Author: Carmelo De Luca

Il Consiglio di Amministrazione presieduto da Elisabetta Bardelli


Riceviamo e, volentieri, pubblichiamo il comunicato stampa in oggetto

The Amici del Pronto Soccorso Association becomes a Foundation and renews the Presidency and the Board of Directors.
Elisabetta Bardelli is the new President of the Friends of the Careggi Emergency Room Association since February 2023, which recently became a Foundation.
The President, together with the new Board of Directors, intends to carry out numerous projects aimed at supporting and supporting the Emergency Department in the best way possible.
The new team will always work under the guidance of Professor and Dr. Stefano Grifoni, – Head of Emergency Medicine and Acceptance at the Careggi Hospital in Florence.

The Emergency Room is a precious and fundamentally important service for the whole community, it intervenes in the prevention, diagnosis and management of acute and urgent aspects as well as in all of the situations of fragility which concern a wide range population,
especially the elderly, who often find no other type of assistance in need and loneliness.
The non-profit organization Amici Del Pronto Soccorso, which from an association has recently been transformed into a foundation, created to support health, social and socio-medical assistance in the field of emergency medicine through projects aimed at improving the quality of the emergency service. Such as the rescue of Careggi and other hospitals in Tuscany.
The new President of the Amici Del Pronto Soccorso Fondation is Elisabetta Bardelli, with Claudia Bardelli at her side as Vice President since 1 February 2023.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the two sisters had activated the fundraiser “Amici di Firenze – Now it’s our turn!” on the GoFundMe platform involving many friends, entrepreneurs, entertainers and sports personalities as well as other Associations and Foundations, all “distant but united”: together they managed to raise €393,450.00 that will be allocated to the Foundation with the aim of
supporting the emergency room and the battle of doctors and nurses were facing. Following the suggestions of Prof. Stefano Grifoni – head of the Emergency Medicine and Admissions Department of the Careggi Hospital in Florence and technical director of the non-profit organization Amici del pronto Soccorso – the funds from the collection were used to purchase ultrasound scanners for
diagnosis, blood gas analyzers, respirators and other tools useful for keeping the most serious cases alive and increasing the chances of recovery.

The new President of the Foundation, Elisabetta Bardelli, who has always been active in philanthropy actions in the social sphere, Ambassador of the charity Andrea Bocelli Foundation, Member of the Board of Directors of the ORT-Orchestra Regionale della Toscana and General Manager of the Antico Setificio Fiorentino, she says: “Today we must not forget the heroism of our doctors and nurses during the pandemic, we must not lose the gratitude we showed towards them then; every day they work for us and have our health in hand, putting a lot of love and passion into what they do: my team and I intend to do the same for them with concrete and tangible actions in
order to provide the best care and assistance to those who have need and is in a difficult situation.”
The members of the new Board of Directors are: Angela CarpioFrancesco PatanèGuido Ciompi, Matteo GuidiMatteo Parigi Bini and Giuseppe Cristiani.
The Foundation team renews its image with a new logo: from the cross, symbol of the Emergency Department, a heart emerges, aimed at symbolizing both the passion that doctors and nurses put into their work and the feeling that animates the Foundation, love towards the next; inside the heart 2 hands, of which the larger one represents the help that the Fondazione Amici del Pronto Soccorso
offers to those in need, to all those who – turn to the Emergency Department for an emergency – feel “small” ( like the other hand) and in a condition of fragility.
In some circumstances, even the loss of a single minute, or an incomplete diagnosis, can jeopardize a patient’s recovery: the Foundation strongly believes in the importance of using sophisticated, precise and excellent quality instruments, which guarantee absolute timeliness for this reason, one of its first objectives will be the purchase of high-tech sanitary machinery to be allocated to the Emergency Departments of Tuscany, for which the Foundation already has an exceptional partner at its side: Palazzo Tornabuoni.
Palazzo Tornabuoni is one of the very few urban residence clubs in Europe and the first in the world to occupy a site of such historical and artistic importance, and by the will of its President, Gabrielle Taylor, and all the members, which have generously offered its support to organize a fundraising event in June 2023: a first significant step towards reaching the amount necessary to purchase two
ultrasound scanners, GE logic S8 model with three probes.
“Extremely precious machinery inside an emergency room – explains professor and Dr. Stefano Grifoni – as they allow for a very wide range of problems to be detected in a timely and non-invasive manner and therefore to speed up the diagnosis.”

Of great importance for the Foundation is also the support for scientific research and the training of doctors and nurses whose specialized and periodically updated skills can make the difference; for this reason, the Foundation has recently funded a specialization course for those who may not have the economic means to continue their studies and research: this is the 1st level Master’s degree at
the La Sapienza University of Rome concerning ‘patient management critical during traumatic and catastrophic events (CBRNE/ NaTech)’. The course will allow students to acquire skills on the treatment and stabilization in a critical area of a large number of subjects who have come into contact with CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear, Explosive) and/or multipletraumatized substances following terrorist acts, epidemics or natural disasters .
Sudden events, such as earthquakes or floods, which unfortunately sometimes affect places and entire communities, need doctors and nurses who are competent and prepared to help a large number of people in difficulty and in serious physical and mental health conditions.
A further objective on which the Amici Del Pronto Soccorso Foundation will work is the support and support of the elderly, one of the most fragile social groups, alone and in need of care and attention:
many future initiatives of the Foundation will be aimed precisely towards the elderly, in order to guarantee their health and human care.
Lastly, the Foundation intends to work hard on the prevention of serious situations, such as road accidents, the leading cause of deaths and injuries, through training in schools and raising awareness among citizens on the correct behavior to adopt to ensure road safety and the containment of the numerous admissions to emergency departments.
The Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation involves citizens at the service of other citizens with the desire above all to make themselves available to others in the most critical moment, i.e. access to the emergency room, where every moment can be precious and fundamental to save even a life.

P.I. e C.F. 94243820480 – tel. 380 46 25 792
amicidelprontosoccorso@gmail.com – www.amicidelprontosoccorso.it


Grazie inoltre alla donazione dell’Associazione Fiorenzo Fratini e Fingen Spa sono state donate 5000 mascherine FFP2 e 600 tute al PS di Careggi.

Ringraziamenti per donazione attrezzature salvavita

Dalla Cina a Firenze la tela segreta per trovare maschere e respiratori

Già attivi i due ecografi portatili donati.

Già attivi i due ecografi portatili donati.